Who We Are

About Us

Welcome to Holy Spirit Church

Where Peace and Faith Unite

Established in 1978, our parish has been a peaceful haven in the heart of Delhi. Our church, constructed in 1989, is a place of quiet devotion and unity for our community in Kalkaji and beyond.

Here at our parish, we gather in simplicity to find inner peace, offer our prayers, and strengthen our bonds with one another through the teachings of Christ. Our church, consecrated in 1989, has always been a source of spiritual solace and a warm, welcoming community.

Guided by Rev. Fr. George Manimala, we continue our mission to share the love and wisdom of Christ in our diverse neighborhood. We invite you to explore our website to discover more about the history of our parish, our peaceful activities, and the shared journey we embark on. Join us in celebrating faith, hope, and the tranquility of our Holy Spirit Church.

Our Values

To be a beacon of faith, spreading Christ’s love and unity, fostering spiritual peace and community in Delhi and beyond

Come Along

1, Institutional Area, Alaknanda, New Delhi – 110 019

Our Mission

Gathering in simplicity, we share Christ’s wisdom, welcoming all into a peaceful community, and together, we strengthen faith and unity.

Parish History

The nineteen seventies saw major expansion in Delhi. The city expanded at breakneck speed with a number of slum colonies and resettlement colonies springing up all over; so too, the Church in Delhi saw the birth of a number of new parishes.

The parish of Shrine of Our Lady of Health, Okhla witnessed a part of it forming a new parish. Across the railway line, the Masihgarh Church perched on a small hillock had been watching the creation of colonies such as Kalkaji, Girinagar and Govindpuri. The then largest slum cluster of Delhi. Various apartments were already being built by the end of the decade on the rocking the rain exhaust sent to Greater Kailash II

At this period of time, a group of Catholics from Kalkaji approached Rev. Fr Valentine de Silva, the Parish Priest requesting him for a Sunday Mass in the colony. In May 1977, he celebrated the first mass in a neighbourhood Park in the LIG Block of Kalkaji. In three weeks of time, the mass was shifted to a “shamiana” in the adjacent DDA Park. The developments were fast and quick. The people organised themselves and collected funds for a small church and built the shelter in what is now the car park of Aravali Apartments. Rev. Fr Valentine de Silva used to celebrate mass here.

During this time around 1979 that His Grace Dr. Angelo Fernandes and his Vicar General Rev. Fr Irius Dos Santos perceived the need for erecting a quasi parish here. Thus Rev. Fr Frederick Veigas who was till then assistant in St. Joseph’s Church Faridabad was appointed Priest in charge of the new parish of Kalkaji with his residence in Masihgarh. He served here for nearly 3 months. On his return from his binary biennial vacation he found that the sudden demise of Rev. Fr Pascal Rodrigues, the illustrious pastor of St. Luke’s Church, Defence Colony had necessitated certain changes in the pastoral appointments. In a major reshuffle that followed, Rev. Fr Veigas was appointed to Greater Kailash and Rev. Fr Joseph Fernandes who has returned from Karwar diocese was appointed as pastor of Kalkaji with residence in Masihgarh.  After sometime he shifted his residence to Janata Flat in the parish. However, Rev. Fr Johnson Kizhakkeveettil, the assistant Parish Priest of Kalkaji, resided in Masihgarh Church, Okhla.

An application for a plot of land for a church had been pending before DDA, and the bureaucracy was taking its own time to process it. The temporary church of Kalkaji in the park was demolished, which quickened the process of allotment of the church plot in Alaknanda. During this period, the Catholic Association played a significant role in keeping the people united in their struggle, suffering, and yearning for a church. Finally, the church was constructed and blessed on September 17th, 1989 by late Archbishop Angelo Fernandes. Till then the pilgrim church of Kalkaji had their Eucharist and other celebrations in the make shift tents put up Sunday after Sunday by the lay people

In July 1992 Rev. Fr Augustine Kuriapilly was appointed as the in charge of the parish from Rev. Fr Joseph Henry Fernandes and Rev. Fr Johnson Kizhakkeveettil. Rev. Fr Augustine, who was also the editor of the diocesan news magazine, the Voice of Delhi, was later joined by Rev. Fr Eugene Charles Kujur as his assistant in September 1992. After serving the parish for three years, Rev. Fr  Augustine was transferred, and Rev. Fr Vincent Salvatore was appointed as his successor.

On transfer of Rev. Fr Vincent Salvatore, Rev. Fr Valentine G De Siva took over the parish and had served this parish till 1999. Consequently upon the transfer of Rev. Fr Valentine, late Rev. Fr Montu D’Souza was posted as Parish Priest and served the Parish till 2003.  He handed over the charge to late Rev Fr. Paul Cardoza. Due to his ill health, Fr. Paul could not continue for long and was replaced by Rev. Fr Albert Francis on a temporary assignment. Rev. Fr Arnold David took over the charge of the parish in July 2004 and served the parish for six years till June 2010. Rev. Fr. Moben Michael took over the charge of the parish from Arnold on 4th of July 2010. And then Rev. Fr Jesuraj on 10th July 2016 and Rev. Fr George Manimala on 10th July 2022.

Former Parish Priests

1987 – 1992 – Late Rev. Fr Joseph Mary Fernandes 1987 – 1992 – Late Rev. Fr Joseph Mary Fernandes 1987 – 1992 – Late Rev. Fr Joseph Mary Fernandes
1992 – 1995 – Late Fr Augustine Kuriappilly 1995 – 1997 – Rev Fr Vincent Salvatore 1997 – 1999 – Late Rev Fr Valentine G De Silva
1999 – 2003 – Late Rev. Fr. Monthu D’ Souza 2003 – 2004 – Late Rev Fr Paul Cardoza 2004 – 2010 – Rev Fr Arnold David
2016 – 2022 – Rev Fr Jesuraj P. 2022 – Rev Fr George Manimala

Former Assistant Parish Priests

1987 – 1992 – Late Rev. Fr Joseph Mary Fernandes 1987 – 1992 – Late Rev. Fr Joseph Mary Fernandes 1987 – 1992 – Late Rev. Fr Joseph Mary Fernandes
1992 – 1995 – Late Fr Augustine Kuriappilly 1995 – 1997 – Rev Fr Vincent Salvatore 1997 – 1999 – Late Rev Fr Valentine G De Silva
Rev Fr Johnson Kizhakeveetil Rev Fr Eugene Kujur Rev Fr Saju Sebastian
Late Rev. Fr. Leslie Rev. Fr Suman Surin Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta
Rev. Fr Ravi Kota Rev. Fr Bipin Ekka Rev. Fr P Jesuraj
Rev. Fr Mukesh Damor Rev. Fr Zecharius Bengra